
It's Wine Day

Today is wine day,
which is a day that for all couple to celebrate by enjoying a nice dinner at restaurant.

For me, totally a normal day,
and it was like so coincident that today is my off day.

Well, looking for something to do right now.
Must fully utilize all my time, not to waste any of it anywhere.

I like to have a FULL life, I don't like having boring life.
It just make me felt lifeless.

Stresses came everyday, whether we want it or not, whether we can cope with it or not...
Facing all stresses is a must, it's just depends on sooner or later.

It just weird that today I'm being sentimental, I can't understand why.
My birthday is coming soon. but I don't felt like it is.
21st Birthday, shouldn't it be celebrated with special things?
Well I don't know, and I think it will actually be the same...


To be continue



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