
Going on, Without Regrets.

Passers-by... again... 我其实很想继续跟你做好朋友的。
Why? Anyway fighting against destiny is always a lose. :(
So why the hell I care so much for? 我不喜欢的我才懒得管
But still I care... Why?
"Let go"? It's easy to say than done 我真的放得了手吗?
To change myself? That's not that easy as well...
Hate me, Please hate me, I do that purposely...即使我的心会很痛…
I wonder why there's no tears flowing out at all...
And I was smiling all the time...虽然我想哭
even though I can feel pressure on my chest.
I seriously want to sleep so damn much but in the end I stay up till morning...
And the hell I'm still god damn awake...
Well, thanks for passing-by... 谢谢你的存在…
thanks for everything... 我会慢慢学着做个谦虚的人的。
I will learn to be modest. Be a humble person. Not for you but for myself, and thanks:)
But the way I speak... I guess I need long time to change that...
I'm sorry for bothering you so damn much...我明明就很烦
I'm sorry for every mistake that I've made...昨天那个我,不是我自己
And I realize that you trust whatever bad things about me easily.
Well, that might be a good thing to happen...也许一辈子都不会找到真心的
I was coughing whole night, with blood...也许我也就快要死了
Who cares anyway... Hahahaha...好想哭哦……
Thanks for telling me everything...谢谢你告诉我
I'm glad that now I know...我害怕的事,我知道了。
Don't worry, it' will hide deep inside my heart and nobody gonna know.
Continue on, Going on, my life, without regrets...也许我已经活不了多久了
This is just another Fragments of my memories...
I might need to stay Alone for  few years until I really forgets...
I'll kept my promises. That's the way I live.
Ends? I will not become any 'bad guys' like what I've said, that was just something I'm unable to do...
But you don't have to know it.


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