
Cope with it... Deal with it...

It's already September... Soon to be another year passing...
Time goes very fast this year... and I felt stresses coming to me more and more...

Graduated? Yes, but sorry I'm not going after my dreams. Dream vs Realistic. Realistic wins.

Since last month, I've been promoted to a in-charge position and looking after 3 counters.
It's difficult to do things without help. Yeah I may have a 2nd with me, but he is not as good as I expected,
and there're too much things I've to do it myself. I've tried to make him better and let him know that what should he do. He rely too much and can't do it himself.
By just thinking of current problems that I'm facing, it's already making me a headache. Sometimes I really do not know how to reply to the situation when my superior against me. I've to handle EVERY single thing, even small cases. I can't even relax on my off day... It's just damn... damn...
Well, stresses will have all the time whenever or wherever we go. So I think I'll just have to live with it, deal with it. Settling it.

On 1st September, I met her... who's her? My ex. She just went pass me right before my eye when I'm working. I'm totally stunned. Was having lots of pressure that time with lots of task need to be settle and it's just somehow out of my mind temporarily. It just felt like so long ago... But why I can still remember?

Upon entering my car, I started the engine, and the music just play like it knows what I'm thinking. Damn.

Good Luck to me and Keep it up!
I've 2 years to prove what I am. :)



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